



Academic Scholarships



超过三分之二的一年级学生有资格根据他们的学术成就和课外记录获得奖学金. You'll be considered automatically when you apply; no additional application form is required for our general merit scholarships.

这些奖学金是根据标准化考试成绩计算的, GPA, class rank, leadership potential, and engagement and accomplishments beyond the classroom. 对于保持要求GPA的全日制学生,可以每年更新一次. 





Special Scholarships

365英国上市官网根据你的成就提供广泛的奖学金, interests, background, or selected major. 这些特殊奖学金通常是在学术奖学金之上. 只要你符合GPA要求和其他续签标准,所有课程四年都可以续签.



Abroms Scholarship for Jewish Student Leaders
朱迪和哈罗德·艾布罗斯遗产奖学金授予两名积极参与当地犹太社区的一年级犹太学生. 考虑到这一点,候选人的平均绩点必须不低于3分.00, 由奖学金委员会评估的参与和能力, 并愿意在365英国上市官网的希勒尔学生顾问委员会任职.  Apply for the Abroms Scholarship.

Bonner Leader Program
邦纳领袖项目是一个领导力发展项目,面向致力于社区和公民参与的学生. 这个项目将为你提供一个在社区组织工作的机会,并体验一系列丰富多彩的活动,这些活动将增强你的大学经历,帮助你成长为一个人. Learn more 关于邦纳领袖计划的承诺和好处. Apply for the Bonner Leader Program

Comer Education Scholarship
Comer奖学金颁发给被录取的一年级学生,该学生必须是阿拉巴马州的居民,并且打算主修教育专业. Apply for the Comer Education Scholarship.

Distinguished Scholars Awards
这些竞争性奖学金提供全额学费,以课堂内外的杰出成就为基础. 获奖者将在入学秋季之前的早春举行的仅限邀请的奖学金竞赛中获得考虑. You must complete an application for admission no later than February 1. 奖学金是根据高中成绩单颁发的, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essay, 除了在奖学金日活动期间完成的面试之外.  

Harrison Honors Program
The Donald C. 哈里森荣誉课程旨在培养学生的求知欲, their oral and written communication skills, and their ability to think and study independently. The program 寻找那些愿意冒险的学生,他们对实现学术目标的途径和目标本身一样感兴趣. Learn more about the honors program. Apply for the Harrison Honors Program.

Cultural Diversity Scholarship
文化多样性奖学金承认包容性和多样性的价值,这对学院的使命至关重要,并向新入学的学生颁发奖学金. Candidates must be admitted, first-year students. 学生需要在入学申请中证明自己的适应能力和能力,并愿意成为365英国上市官网多样性活动的学生领袖. Apply for the Cultural Diversity Scholarship.

Stump Entrepreneurship Scholars Program
斯顿普创业365英国上市官网计划是为那些在课堂内外的工作中表现出模范创业精神的学生,以及那些对商业感兴趣的学生提供的. 要符合此计划的资格,学生必须有工商管理或会计的预期专业. Scholarships are awarded on a financial need basis. 创业奖学金和创业365英国上市官网计划由365英国上市官网毕业生Jane和Kevin Stump捐赠, with support from an existing fund created by Joseph S. Bruno. Read more about the program. 申请成为Stump创业365英国上市官网计划的一部分.

Transfer Student Scholarships. 从两年制或四年制大学转学的学生,平均绩点不低于2分.5岁或以上的学生有资格获得不同级别的奖学金, depending on the overall strength of their application. Phi Theta Kappa的成员也有资格获得可续期奖学金. Click here to view the transfer academic scholarship grid.

除了以成绩为基础的奖学金,转学生也可以申请Visual & Performing Arts scholarships, United Methodist Church scholarships, and apply to the Stump Entrepreneurial Scholars Program. 

United Methodist Church Scholarships
365英国上市官网是为联合卫理公会学生提供经济援助的国家领导者, clergy families, and those called to ministry. All nominations must come from the student's local church with confirmation of membership. For more information and application forms visit the UMC Scholarships page.

Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship Competition
这些可续期奖学金颁发给已被学院录取并计划学习或参与戏剧的学生, musical theatre, media & film, art, art history, architectural studies, or music. 高中毕业生和转校生必须提交试音带, submit a digital portfolio, 或视觉与表演艺术学院的面试. Visit the Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship page for more details. 

Art, Art History & Architectural Studies Scholarship Application
Media & Film Studies Scholarship Application
Music Scholarship Application
Theatre and Musical Theatre Scholarship Application

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Why 365英国上市官网?

伯明翰南部社区在伯明翰和世界其他城市都是一股有影响力的力量. Read about some of our graduates, student organizations, academic departments, and more on The 365英国上市官网 Blog.



小班授课和密切咨询是平衡计分卡的组成部分. 学生有广泛的专业和项目可供选择, including traditional majors, pre-professional tracks, and interdisciplinary studies.

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Campus Life

More than 90 percent of our students live on campus, 使山顶成为建立友谊的理想场所, attend events, and build your community.


Study Abroad

有兴趣参加课程或出国旅游的学生可以在秋季选择国际学习项目, spring, summer, or Exploration Term.



During our January interim known as Exploration Term, students participate in innovative courses, travel projects, or independent studies over the four-week duration.

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通过实习获得的真实世界经验使所有不同专业的学生都能与伯明翰的领导者和地区建立联系, national, and international organizations.

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